



Prostitution is a normal and legal profession in The Netherlands, but like any other profession the are some rules and regulations. To work here you need to be at least 21 years old because we believe you need some life experience. Everyone has its own reasons to do this work, just remember you need to decide for yourself and not let anyone impose it. All the money you earn is yours and nobody else’s. Of course you can always refuse a client and do practice safe sex, no matter how much is offered. Your own body is the most valuable.


You are only allowed to work in prostitution in The Netherlands if you are from an EU or EER country. You need to have an EU or EER passport or a Dutch
residence permit that states you are allowed to work here. We only rent out rooms if you are 21 years or older.


You can only rent a room if you registered yourself at the chamber of commerce. In The Netherlands this is called the Kamer van Koophandel.

Municipality Registration

You can’t work if you are not registered in a dutch municipality because you can not get registered at the chamber of commerce (KvK.) So it is important to first look for housing where you can register so you can start your company.

GGD Health service

It’s important to get checked for STDs, as a prostitute you can do this at the GGD health servcie. You can also have this done by your physician.

Hygiene is very important to us and we expect you feel the same. Not only does this mean you work safe and hygienic with your clients but also with your work environment. This makes

Dit houdt in dat je niet alleen veilig en hygiënisch met je klanten werkt maar tevens hygiënisch met de werkruimtes omgaat, dat werkt voor iedereen wel zo prettig. This is pleasant for everyone.


Because the government sees this industry as something special they work with strict rules and regulations for us as service provider. Therefor we expect from our tenants they comply to certain rules.

We don’t accept any criminal activities such as drug abuse, theft or fencing etc. Furthermore we are very much against human trafficking and with any suspicion we will notify the police.

Respect is very important to us and show it to our tenants, therefor we also expect it in return. We care very much about hygiene, work and other rooms are should always be clean. This also applies to the way you work and treat your attributes.

Finally we expect you speak at least English, Spanish, German or Dutch. Not only to communicate with us but also with clients. This way there are no misunderstandings and you and your client both know what to expect.

GGD Haaglanden
Westeinde 128
2512 HE Den Haag
088 – 355 01 00

At the regional STD center of The Hague you can tested free of charge. Also treatment is free in most cases.

SHOP (Stichting Hulp en Opvang Prostitutie en Mensenhandel)
Herengracht 20
2511 EH Den Haag
070 – 361 47 47

Shop is the center of expertise in the field of support and services to sex workers en victims of human trafficking. Shop enhanches the position of (ex)sexworkers and victims of human trafficking by giving information, advice and psycho-social help.

Herengracht 46-a
2511 EJ Den Haag
070 – 345 70 10

Spot 46 is the best place in our region to come for free information and advice about a safety and health in the sexual service industry.

Kamer van Koophandel
Koninginnegracht 13
2514 AA Den Haag
088 – 585 15 85

To start working independently you need to register at the chamber of commerce (Kamer van Koophandel) Je need to make an appointment first, you can do this by phone.